Stopping Hot Flashes - Avoiding Triggers May Help

Turning red in the face. Becoming dizzy. Sweating. A racing heart. A pounding headache. Hot flashes are not a minor problem. For many women, they can be downright debilitating. Some women suffer from regular intense hot flashes stretched over several years.

If you're an American woman, you're probably going to battle hot flashes as you reach menopause. Hot flashes impact a majority of women in the U.S., which is why stopping hot flashes is an area of remarkably high interest. There are many powerful remedies for hot flashes available, but one important part of beating the heat involves avoiding flash triggers.

Some women find relief in hormone treatment, but that isn't a cure-all. It's not a workable or successful intervention for many women. Other women take other measures-some of which can be quite valuable. A key part of the hot flash relief equation, however, doesn't require any real intervention-it just requires a little extra thought. Avoiding trigger situations may help with hot flashes.

What are the most common triggers?

*Stress. Stress is strongly correlated with the likelihood of experiencing hot flashes. Women should consider avoiding stressful situations when possible.

*Diet. We are what we eat, right? So, it probably shouldn't be a big surprise that rpicy food can trigger hot flashes! Jalapenos aren't the only culprit, though. Alcohol and caffeine are also tied to the occurrence of hot flashes.

*Environment. Hot environments can trigger hot flashes. That warm bath might sound luscious and relaxing, but it can also trick your body right into an annoying lava-hot episode. Curling up in front of the fireplace may sound like a great way to spend a winter night-until you turn flush and start sweating profusely!

Although it's impossible to avoid every trigger, utilizing a little care may be a step in the right direction for women suffering from annoying and uncomfortable menopausal hot flashes.

You know why hot flashes can be so much trouble. They interrupt your day and embarrass you in front of family and friends. Stop suffering from hot flashes, take back your days and

Faster Hot Water Provides Water Conservation - Be Green!

We all do it. Run water down the drain while waiting for hot water. Who is going to jump into the shower when the water is freezing cold! Well no one. Is there a way to avoid running all of that water down the drain?

Yes. A hot water circulating system will eliminate the need to run that water down the drain. There are several types of hot water circulating systems available, and they are fairly easy to understand.

The first type of system is the full-time circulating system. In this type of system the hot water outlet of the water heater connects to a pipe that runs past each fixture in the home, and then back to the water heater. A small pump circulates the hot water through the pipe, thus there is always hot water near every fixture. Instant hot water!

But there is a price to pay! This is an expensive system to operate, since the pump consumes some energy and is running constantly; you have to pay for that energy. But far greater is the expense of heating the water. Heating water is very expensive, and so when you pump it through a long pipe, and the pipe is losing heat energy to the atmosphere around it, you end up spending a lot of money to heat the hot water piping and its immediate surroundings.

You can place the pump on a timer, so that during periods that people don't normally use hot water, the pump is turned off. That helps, but it is still very expensive. Some systems also control the pump by monitoring the temperature of the water. The pump turns off when it reaches a set point, and then back on when the water drops to the lower set point. This reduces the energy consumption by the pump, but does little to reduce the far larger energy losses of the heat loss from the system.

Another problem with these systems is that they require a dedicated return line from the furthest fixture back to the water heater to function. This is an expensive option when building a home, and a far more expensive option to add on to an existing home.

There is another class of hot water circulating systems that do not require a return line. These systems use the cold water line as the return line. The cold water line always connects to the inlet of the water heater, so it will always work. There are a number of approaches being used for these cold water return type hot water circulating systems.

In some instances, for instance, where the water heater is lower than the rest of the system like in homes with a basement, a gravity type system can be used. Since hot water is less dense than cold water, the hot water rises up from the water heater to the fixtures and the cooled off hot water goes down the cold water return line back to the heater. A connection is required between the hot and cold water lines, and a valve that responds to temperatures is installed between them. Without a valve, the hot and cold water would always mix when you used either one.

Some systems use a pump connected between the hot and cold water lines with a built in valve, and as with the full time systems, some are operated via a timer, some are temperature controlled, and some use both methods.

Another type of system is known as a "hot water demand system". With the demand type system, the user must push a button or utilize some other signal to start the pump, and then when hot water reaches the fixture, the pump shuts off.

The demand system is the lowest cost in terms of operating costs since it does not cause any more heat loss than if you just used the hot water fixture without the system. It only pumps when you "demand" hot water. Typically such systems use only $1 to $2 per year in electricity for running the pump.

You obtain your hot water more quickly than if you ran the faucet full blast, and you don't wastefully run water down the drain. You're happy and the environment is happy!

Hot and Cold - Ancient But Useful Concept

The concept of Hot and Cold, although popular, is littered with confusion due to all kinds of rumors flying around. My purpose is to reduce this confusion by restoring some common sense and criteria into this concept to make it more useful.

Why do we need such a concept?

o Simple, reasonable, and practical for everyday use.

o Lead us to the higher concept of balance for health maintenance.

o Lead us further to better understanding the theory of Yin Yang.

o It helps us contrast things between two extremes using our common sense, rather than relying on rumors.

o Upon understanding this concept, we can easily apply one category to counter the other, thereby achieving a balance.

What do we mean by "Hot and Cold"?

o It means something obvious like temperature.

o Besides the obvious, it also means many less obvious things like symptoms, conditions, feelings, and effects on the body.

o It is a convenient categorization method, a good tool to be employed.

Very obvious examples of "Hot and Cold":

o Hot: high temperature, fire, hot weather, fever, sweating.

o Cold: low temperature, ice, cold weather, shivering.

Less obvious examples of "Hot and Cold" based on taste or feel:

o Hot: spicy food, hot pepper, ginger, hard liquor, hot chocolate, hot coffee, menstrual delay, menopause hot flash, all of which make you feel hotter, warmer, more irritated, or less relaxed.

o Cold: fruits, vegetables, water, cold drinks, all of which can soothe you, make you feel cooler, and neutralize the Hotness you feel.

Least obvious examples of Hot food, based on your cooking method employing fire, heat, oil, or hot spices:

o Barbecued food prepared with fire and heat.

o Deep-fried food with longer cooking immersed in oil.

o Roasted nuts, coffee beans prepared with fire and heat.

Least obvious examples of Hot stuff, based on effects on the body:

o Shellfish such as crabs, clams, oysters, mussels, etc. which can cause existing skin rash to flare up.

o Insufficient sleep or rest resulting in a high-temper mood.

o Some special fruits such as durian, "lychee" and "longan" can cause thirst, sleeplessness, and worsening of existing Hot conditions.

In less obvious cases, the criteria should be based on:

o Direct simple relation to the obvious, e.g. Juicy fruits are Cold because they contain water. Barbecued food cooked with fire is Hot.

o Consistent effects on the body after consumption, e.g. effects of shellfish on existing skin condition.

o Simple reasoning, e.g. steamed rice is less Hot because the steam is essentially water which neutralizes the heat.

o Your instincts always tell you what you need to do, e.g. Most people pick a cold drink rather than a hot chocolate or coffee at a barbecue. Why? Your body knows that it needs some Cold stuff to balance the Hot nature of a barbecue.

How to apply this concept?

o During a fever, which is a Hot condition, avoid eating Hot food. Try to eat Cold stuff like vegetables and fruits. Drink a lot of water, and rest. Your body will recover sooner when you do the Cold things.

o For itchy or dry skin, a Hot condition, Hot stuff will make it worse.

o When your body is weak and feeling cold, consuming more Hot food will make you feel better.

o There's nothing good or bad about Hot or Cold. It's just the nature of things. To achieve a balance, you have to find out how much Hot or Cold your body needs at a particular time.

Most things resist categorization under Hot or Cold because there is no simple reasoning or criteria to back it up. Some examples are: rice, bread, dairy products, potato, beef, pork, chicken, fish, sugar, salt, etc. Anything in doubt should be conveniently grouped under Neutral. That means we are not sure about its effects on the body. We just don't know.

Where Did Hot Tubs Come From?

Many people all over the world enjoy the luxury of having a hot tub. Those who live in the colder climates are especially thankful for this invention. The warmth makes the spa more welcoming, enjoyable and satisfying. For those with a lot of tension and stress, a good long soak will do a body good. A person could easily let all of his or her worries drain away while enjoying the not-to-hot and bubbling water. So where did this wondrous invention come from and how did it become the hot tub we all know and love today?

The history of the hot tubs is definitely traceable. They came around with the Romans and their bathhouses, which came around when people discovered the wonders of hot springs. Hot springs were known not only for relaxation but for therapeutic uses as well. Hot springs are natural to the Earth but can only be found in certain places. Hot springs are only usually found in places where there is volcanic activity. Before the hot tub was invented not man people enjoyed the thought of living near these areas just for a warm bath so nice warm baths were not available to everyone.

The earliest spas have been traced all the way back to around 2000 B.C. Around this time the ancient Egyptians were already enjoying such a luxury of a warm bath and the benefits gained from soaking in the hot water. Around 600 B.C. a king from Persia, the King of Media was said to have the first hot tub built. Around the same time the Greek philosophers, Plato, Hippocrates, and others were also discovering the therapeutic uses of water. Because of this discovery, the Greeks began building bathing houses near hot springs.

Within the Chinese and Japanese cultures people were also influenced by the healing powers of water. A saying came about in Japan in relation to a tranquil state that could be accomplished by a person's spirit hence giving them a sensation of opposition that is passive in nature. This saying was called Mizu - no - Kokoro or Mind Like Water. Therefore, someone who accomplishes Mind Like Water will have harmony in all things that surround him or her. This idea is what birthed the idea of hot tubs in Asia. This began the building of bathing houses near hot springs in Japan and China.

For the Roman Empire, the bathhouse was made of a stone chamber along with a temple. As with all the other cultures, these hot tubs were built near hot springs. In the late 16th century Queen Elizabeth was said to bathe in, England's mineral waters. Then in the 20th century, the hot tub was beginning to take the shape of what it is today. Today's modern spot tubs are made mostly out of ceramic material, fiberglass or concrete pool like structures. They have certainly come a long way in the last 4000 years and is still a very popular luxury. Many people even prefer to have a hot tub rather than a pool.

Hot Tub Chemicals 101 - Keeping Your Hot Tub Clean

An Introduction to Sanitizers:

Sanitizing your hot tub water is the most important maintenance you can do for yourself. Why? Sanitizers kill the bacteria that can grow in warm water. Here's a quick rundown on the different types of sanitizers:

Chlorine: You're probably familiar with chlorine as the primary sanitizer used in pools. Chlorine can be used in a different concentration in hot tubs. There are chlorine tablets and chlorine granules created specifically for hot tub use.

Bromine: Bromine can be added to a hot tub in the form of tablets, nuggets or granules. One form is sodium bromide, which needs to be activated with an oxidizer such as chlorine or Potassium Monopersulfate (non-Chlorine) shock. Another bromine product is BCDMH, which is a self-activating chlorine bromine combination. Many people choose bromine over chlorine because bromine is an effective sanitizer in hot tubs as it doesn't "gas off" at temperatures higher than 98 degrees and produces fewer odors than chlorine. Bromine works in a wide range of pH levels. Bromine is generally distributed through a floating feeder or cartridge system.

Biguanide: Biguanide (bi-gwan-eyed) sanitizers are a non-chlorine, non-bromine product that kills bacteria by attacking the cell wall. The elimination of organics is accomplished with a hydrogen peroxide-based oxidizer used to "burn" off the organic matter and keep the water clear. This system produces fewer odors than chlorine or bromine and does not "gas off" at spa temperatures.

Ozone: Ozone is an oxidizer and not a sanitizer, but it reduces the work of the sanitizers and lowers the level of sanitizers needed in the spa to keep it clean. The ozone process requires that your hot tub is equipped with a piece of equipment called an "ozonator." Even if you have an ozonator, you will need to supplement your water with a low level of sanitizer like bromine or chlorine. (Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The idea that a hot tub can be thoroughly sanitized with ozone alone is a myth.) Ozone is compatible with bromine, chlorine, biguanide and mineral systems.

Mineral Spa Care: You can use mineral systems to assist, but not entirely replace, your sanitizers in keeping your hot tub clear of contamination. Mineral cartridges are typically placed inside your filter cartridge or are contained in a floating dispenser through which the sanitizing minerals are slowly released into the water over time. Many people prefer to use mineral sanitizers because of the lower levels of chlorine or bromine.

Important: Before adding any sanitizing agent to your hot tub, you must first test the current levels by using a test strip. Test strips are easy to use and formulated to measure the level of bromine, chlorine, biguanide or mineral content in your hot tub water along with your pH levels and calcium levels. Depending on your sanitizer, you should add sanitizing agents as indicated by the test strip and the instructions on the sanitizer you are using.

Changing Your Water:

Be sure to CHANGE YOUR WATER about every 60 to 90 days depending on the amount of use of your hot tub. No amount of chemical additives can protect you completely in water that is old and dirty. You wouldn't wash your dishes in year-old dishwater would you? Changing water is a simple task and you, your family and guests will be glad you did.

Other Important Stuff:

The following items are important, just not as important as your sanitizer.

Shock Oxidizers: This is a very useful product that oxidizes the water and helps to get rid of organic matter like dead skin, skin oils, cosmetics and lotions. Shock oxidizing your hot tub once a week starves bacteria and helps prevent cloudy water and a clogged system. It's much better than the shock you can get from the expense that comes with not using it and creating bigger maintenance problems.

There are two types of shock, non-chlorine shock and chlorine shock. Both work as a good maintenance product to oxidize your spa.

For fresh water fills, use a chlorine shock. Chlorine shock is a sanitizer and will leave chlorine residual, which is critical to a clean, safe spa. A non-chlorine shock works great once you have an established a residual of chlorine or bromine in the spa as it can oxidize organics in the water without increasing your sanitizer residual. It also allows you to use the spa soon after treatment. Be sure to follow chemical manufacturers' instructions for proper use.

Neither chlorine nor non-chlorine shocks are compatible with a biguanide system. The biguanide system uses a hydrogen peroxide oxidizer to eliminate organics and does not require shocking to maintain sanitizer efficiency.

pH: OK, let's start with the obvious question. What is pH? Water pH is a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions in your hot tub water. Without getting into a freshman chemistry lesson, let's just say that pH is important because if you don't keep the pH levels within a small range (7.2-7.8), your water can become too alkaline or too acidic. If your pH is too low (less than 7.2), the water is too acidic and it can corrode parts of your hot tub and irritate parts of yourself (like your skin). If your water is above 7.8, it is too alkaline which can cause "scaling" from minerals and metals in your water forming deposits and possibly stains on your hot tub's acrylic surface. So, how do you know if your pH is in the right zone? First you need to test your water using a test strip. Then, use pH additives to achieve the right pH balance. When you change your water, you can add a pH product that will help prevent you from having to use any pH balancing agents until the next time you change your water.

More Useful Information:

So far we've covered the most important stuff, sanitizing, shocking and pH balancing but here are some other situations to be aware of:

Calcium Hardness: If you live in an area with particularly "hard" or "soft" water, it's worth checking your water calcium levels with your test strip and adjusting them if necessary. You can adjust your calcium levels up with a calcium increaser for water that is low in calcium. If the calcium level is too high you can adjust the pH and alkalinity to their lower ranges to help avoid cloudy water and scale.

Alkalinity control: Total alkalinity refers to the ability of the water to resist changes in pH. Controlling alkalinity can help keep your pH in the appropriate range thereby lessening the need for pH balancing. If your test strip indicates a need, you can lower alkalinity using a pH reducer (just like lowering your pH only you'll use more of it). Or, if you need more alkalinity, you can use an alkalinity increaser.

Heavy Metal: Some local water contains unusual amounts of iron or copper. A greenish tint in your water may indicate the presence of these metals. If this is the case in your area, resist the temptation to file for mining rights. These pesky metals can, among other things, stain your hot tub shell, increase your sanitizer consumption or foul your tub's water heater. Fortunately, you can control metals by using an additive when you change your water.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions when using metal-removing products. You will probably need to add this product each time you add make-up water or refill your hot tub. Be sure to clean your filter after using the product or you may have to use a metal removing product on a weekly basis.

Cleaning Your Hot Tub:

Cleaning Your Hot Tub Filter:

As mentioned in our Hot Tub Filters section, it's highly important to keep you hot tub filter clean and it's something you should do at least monthly. We recommend that you clean your filter with a good specialized hot tub filter cleaner a few times before it gets so bad you need to toss it out.

Preventing the Dreaded Hot Tub Scum Ring:

The first line of defense is regular water replacement and proper sanitation. A scum prevention product can also be used to help prevent the build-up of oils and greases on the water surface that combine to form the dreaded scum ring. If it's too late and you're already a scum victim, use a multi-purpose spa surface cleaner and a cleaning pad that will not scratch the acrylic surface of your tub.

Cleaning Your Hot Tub Cover:

Use a cover care product at least once per month. Find one that has UV protection and is good for cleaning and conditioning your cover.

Putting It All Together:

We hope our "Hot Tub Chemicals 101" has cleared up a few things for you. The main thing is to be aware of the fact that a hot tub does not maintain itself. It's up to you. Meanwhile, please let us know if you have any special tips or ideas for this section that we might use in the future. We're always looking for ways to let others do our work for us so we can take off early and enjoy more tub time!

The Dreaded Menopause Hot Flash - Cool Facts About Heating Up

There it goes again! Another unannounced hot flash!

Without a prescription or an expensive trip to your OB/GYN, there are some options a woman can appropriate to try to keep hot flashes at bay, or at the least, minimize their intensity and frequency. So the next time you find yourself revisited by the heat demon, you might want to consider one or all of them. Look at it this way. What have you got to lose? ... Except maybe the time it takes to change into drier clothes, a quick make-up touchup, and the price of another box of tissues to dab away the perspiration.

Over recent years, there has been, and continues to be, significant testing done about the symptoms of menopause. It has been found that menopausal women complain more about hot flashes than any other symptom, even above the lack of sexual drive which usually also accompanies menopause. Because many women have a fear of serious side effects with taking hormonal replacement therapy drugs, or they just don't have the time, money, or the inclination to address these menopause symptoms with alternative medications, they're essentially at a loss as to what to do about the symptoms. For lack of information, they then assume they just have to wait it out and hope for the best.

Most recently however, researchers have found its just simple common sense that seems to rule for women experiencing menopause but are not taking medication. By making a few simple preparations, and modifying behavior and habits slightly, you can definitely feel a difference, which will also go well with the new optimistic attitude you'll gain.

According to Colette Bouchez of WebMD, "Doctors label hot flashes a vasomotor symptom -- a series of biochemical events that unfold when your temperature controlling mechanism goes slightly awry. The result: Your body thinks you're overheated, even when you're not."

So what does a hot flash feel like? I would liken it to entering a sauna fully clothed, and being required to sit there with no way out for, let's say ... about 5 minutes. When your time's up, you exit the sauna drenched in perspiration. Your body now becomes chilled and the bumps on your damp skin prove it. The quick change in temperature has you immediately grabbing for a blanket to cover yourself because now you're 'freezing'. Once you've traded the sticky, clinging clothes for drier, warmer ones, a little time passes. Then, when you least expect it, your internal 'sauna' kicks in and you get to do it all over again! Oh, joy of joys!

While encountering different trials while traveling this road called life, I've often wondered about how those of the past handled similar situations. This is certainly one of those times. Just how did the women of the day carry on through the menopausal years without hormonal replacement therapies, required naps due to migraine headaches, and all the body aches that make you feel 15 years older than you really are?

They spent their time in the fields with their husbands, cooking and canning vegetables, and carrying wood. Were they just stronger than we are today? Have we become so soft and pampered with our modern conveniences that we now grumble about everything?

In this day of advanced technology, space travel, and ingenious, innovative gadgets, you would think something could be done about hot flashes. I dare say that not all "advancements" are for the better. Maybe it's time we look back, instead of ahead, and learn from our past counterparts.

Just as in days gone by, there are things we can do right now, to help relieve the hot flashes withnut the use of hormones. Most would simply call it 'common sense'. We do have some advantages, however, that previous women didn't have, so let's explore some of them.

First, pay close attention to what you wear. This may sound simple enough, but the truth is, it can make a big difference in your hot flashes. Some of the synthetic, manmade fabrics hold heat to a much greater degree than other natural fibers. Some of the most notorious to stay away from are nylon, spandex, and close-knit polyesters. Because they hold heat, they don't allow you to cool down nearly as fast as cotton, or other natural fabrics. Consequently, your hot flash will certainly last longer, and possibly even be more intense.

For those hot flashes that occur while you sleep (more commonly known as 'night sweats'), get rid of those pretty nylon nighties and satin pajamas, and trade your polyester sheets in for cotton ones. Believe me. You'll be much sexier to your husband in dry cotton pajamas than in sweaty silk ones, too.

Also, dress for your climate. Heavy sweaters will certainly keep you warm on those snowy days, but when a hot flash erupts, there's no way for you to cool down afterward to avoid the chills. Wear layers. You'll find it much easier and more comfortable to remove the needed layers at will, than to suffer with that beautiful but expensive sweater you can't do anything about. It will save on the dry cleaning bill, too. If you must wear a sweater, make it a cardigan so you can button or unbutton when the heat demon visits.

Be active and exercise whenever you can. If you don't have time, make time! Although many menopausal women think that exercise will increase the hot flashes, doctors have actually found the reverse to be true. In exercising daily, whether it's taking walks, biking, running, swimming, or whatever activity you're comfortable with, you'll find that over time, hot flashes will decrease in frequency, and may even decrease in intensity. Hallelujah!

If you're at home, you can also take advantage of cold water. If you'll think back to the old western movies, you may remember how the hot, arid conditions were emphasized when traveling through the West. As an older child, I distinctly remember watching the dust fly from the horses' hooves when the good guys chased the bad guys. Something else I remember; the beautiful women usually carried a cloth "hanky". They'd moisten it and femininely dab their brow and face from time to time. I used to think it was from the hot sun. Now I know it was their hot flashes!

Don't underestimate ice. It's lousy if you're trying to drive on it, but it's a godsend when you need to cool down quickly. Ice cubes work great. Hold one to your pulse points; your wrist, inside your elbow, on back of your knee, or the back of your neck. If you hold it in a washcloth, you won't have that irritating "melt" running down your back or leg. If your hot flash attacks at the office, head for the soda machine and use the cold can on your pulse points instead of the ice. Every little bit helps.

If you'd rather go "hi-tech", there is a gel-filled 'scarf' you can buy. Keep it in the freezer and place it on the back of your neck when the heat begins creeping up on you. It stays cold for over an hour and the best part ... it doesn't drip!

Women who reside in cooler homes or work in cooler offices tend to have fewer hot flashes as well. So, keep the fan handy from January through December. Concerning outside heat sources, it's also advisable to avoid hot showers, whirlpool tubs, and Jacuzzis. Anything that helps to raise body temperature should be sidestepped.

Check your breathing pattern. Often times, when women become excited, they change their breathing, which in turn increases oxygen levels, which then also increases warmth. It's the perfect combination to jumpstart a real hot flash. So, take a deep breath and relax, especially if you become stressed. It can decrease the number of hot flashes you experience as much as 50%.

In speaking about common sense; ironically, common "scents" can also make a difference. The scents of lavender, vanilla, and lemongrass, as well as essential oils like ylang-ylang, geranium, and clary sage, have been found to bring on a relaxing sensation. They have a calming affect to the body and can decrease hot flashes, too.

On the other side of the coin, there are certain perfumes and chemical smells that can easily heighten the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Because many of these are dependent on the genetics of each individual woman, it's a good idea to practice keeping the calming fragrances around.

One last deterrent to hot flashes is decreasing or quitting smoking. Studies have shown that cigarettes can exacerbate hot flashes because they trigger hormonal changes, particularly in thin women. So, the bottom line is, cutting back on the number of cigarettes you smoke is good, while quitting altogether is best.

So, next time you're watching an old Western and you see the heroine wiping her brow; remember. Grab your cardigan and go for a walk. When you return, take a cool shower, don your cotton pajamas, get your soda and your ice cube, light your lavender candle, sit back, take a deep breath ... and relax. It will all be over soon.

A Quick Guide To Hot Tub Installation - What Do You Put A Hot Tub On Outside?

Hot tubs are wonderful and more and more people are purchasing their own to enjoy whenever they like. Even though hot tubs are fairly easy to maintain once they are installed and set up, there are a few things to keep in mind. This guide to hot tub installation will help you in the beginning for when you are wondering what do you put a hot tub on outside.

Hiring Professionals

A great deal of people hire contractors to look after all facets of their hot tub installation. And, many people tackle most of the project themselves and just call in a professional to help with just a few of the pieces that need looking after, namely the electrical or gas.

Installing With Friends

If you decide to look after the hot tub installation by yourself and with friends, you will have to take a few things into consideration that are important. The first thing that you have decide is what do you put a hot tub on outside that will be sturdy enough for the weight of the hot tub when it is filled with water. Do you want it sitting on a wooden deck or is it going to be resting on a concrete patio?


You will then have to decide on how the hot tub is going to be positioned. Leaving enough room between the hot tub and any fences or walls will allow you to service or clean your tub when you need to. Also, you need to have access to the pumps and electrical system, so you have to make sure that you position the hot tub so that you can have easy access to these parts.


The installation of a basic hot tub requires an electrical circuit that is properly installed as per the electrical code in your area, a gas line if you are going to use a gas heater and a concrete pad or reinforced deck for the hot tub to sit on.

Whether you go with a cement pad or a wooden deck, you have to make sure that it is level in all directions.

Cement Pad

The cement pad needs to be about 4 inches thick and poured over firm ground. If you are not sure about this, call in a concrete professional to check out the site and give you some pointers. For a small fee, or sometimes free, they will tell you exactly how to go about this.

Wooden Deck

If you are wanting to install your hot tub on an existing wooden deck it is best to have an engineer take a look at your deck and tell you how to reinforce it, if it needs to be, and how to do exactly that.

As each model and style are different, the actual hot tub installation will vary depending on what you purchase. However, the basics of what do you put a hot tub on outside is the same. Just remember to read through all of the directions a couple of times and ask a lot of questions from your dealer before you start the installation process to make sure that you know exactly what needs to be done. Then, when you are installing, re-check everything twice so as to avoid making any mistakes that will be difficult, time consuming and possibly costly to correct after everything is set up.

Find The Best Hot Tubs To Buy

It gives a good feeling in submerging yourself in the warm waters of a hot tub and shedding all your tensions and worries. If you are looking forward to add a hot tub in your home, considering following options will surely help you out.

Before actually deciding to buy a hot tub, you should consider the space available in your home. Hot tubs are available in many formats, designs, shapes and sizes to suit different needs and requirements. In comparison to actual swimming pool, hot tubs are far cheaper and convenient.

For adding a hot tub at your home, certain things should be kept in mind. You will require the deck, supporting the weight of the spa, water and people who are going to use the hot tub spa. To give a personalize touch and mesmerizing effect, electrical service and plumbing in the deck plans should be seriously planned and implemented. You can also develop some creative seating plans in your deck to look more attractive and fascinating.

If you have limited budget for installing a good hot tub, you can consider buying a portable hot tub which is equally good as the other hot tubs. These tubs are easily available and require low maintenance. You can actually place it in your garden and fill it with garden hose to get the ultimate peace. It is a kind of small hot tub, which massages your body and energizes your senses. It is available in different materials including plastic, the lightweight and mobile form. Plastic portable hot tubs are soft hot tub filled with hot water to you the perfect time of relaxation.

Hot tubs are the ultimate exercise pool that helps you to enjoy your life to the fullest. They are healthier option to give you an ultimate solution for your worries and tensions.

The Real Reason For Buying A Hot Tub Cover

A lot of people think that the only reason to buy a hot tube cover is to keep the water clean. However, you should realize that the cover actually does more than keep fallen dirt out of the water. Of course, the hot tub cover is an effective gadget in making sure that people soak in clean hot tub water, however, hygiene is not the only reason for buying a hot tub cover.

Here are some of the reasons why a hot tub cover is important:


One of the most underestimated functions of the hot tub covers is safety. A lot of people know how dangerous an open hot tub can be when you have children around the house. By buying a hot tub cover, you can make sure that even if your toddler or child ventures near the hot tub, he or she will not fall into the water. You should make sure though that you actually secure the hot tub cover, not merely place it on top of the hot tub.

Energy Conservation

Another reason for buying hot tub covers is energy conservation. You should know that heating the water of the tub to the right temperature can consume a lot of electricity. Because of this, you need to make sure that the tub loses as little heat as possible. The hot tub cover will ensure that the next time you use the hot tub it won't take a lot of electricity to get the water back to its right temperature.

There are also these solar hot tub covers which can actually ease your electricity load. This is because these hot tub covers actually utilize the energy of the sun to heat up and maintain the temperature of the water. Buying these solar covers can help you save up to 10 percent on your electricity bill. By today's standards, that's quite a lot.

When you buy a hot tub cover, there are some things you need to consider. The first is the material of the cover. You should know that what the cover is made of greatly affects how effective it is in maintaining the temperature of the water. Although getting canvas cover can cost you less, you really ought to think about buying a cover that's made of Styrofoam. This material has better insulating properties than others and will help you save more on your electric bill.

You should also make sure that what you buy completely covers the hot tub so as not to let any heat escape. Of course, this could be easier with a canvas or plastic sheet cover, but you should really opt to having your hot tub fitted with better cover material.

When you buy a hot tub cover, always take the cost into consideration. You need to make sure that you are getting the most out of your money. Check if the quality of the product is well worth paying for.

When you think about it, having hot tub cover can really give you a lot of advantages. Just make sure that you choose the right one for your needs.

Improve Your Health with Hot Tubs

Anyone who has enjoyed a dip in a hot tub spa knows how relaxing it is. The heated, pulsating water helps to soothe tense, tired muscles and who doesn't suffer from muscle related problems these days? The tension throughout your body's muscles can result in more than just aches and pains which is why non-drug therapies such as hot tubs are worth considering. They are an effective way to stay relaxed and you can use them in them morning, noon and night.

The heated water in these hot tub spas helps to improve circulation by expanding veins and loosening tight tissues. Arthritis and migraine pain sufferers report satisfaction with the therapeutic effects of hot tub spas. This form of therapy is often better for their bodies than drug related therapies or surgery. Those who don't suffer from debilitating conditions should take note that such conditions usually develop over years and even decades. The endless wear and tear on joints, tendons, ligaments caused by tense, tight muscles can result in much pain and a reduction in the person's quality of life.

Muscle tension can even lead to psychological and emotional problems if left unchecked for many years. Sleep loss usually accompanies these problems and without adequate sleep, a person won't be able to function at, or feel their best. The growing use of massage services is testament to the healing power of muscle relaxation. However, a person masseuse over many years is an expensive proposition, although still a very helpful service.

Hot Tubs and Swim Spas are Popular

Hot tubs and swim spas are very popular today and their forerunners, hot spring pools, were very popular in centuries past. Those living near thermal heated hotsprings enjoyed the restorative power of the heated waters. Many of these springs had mineral waters coursing through them as well. Much has been researched and even written about mineral springs and their miraculous curative powers. Salt water (Epsom salts for instance) have been noted for their ability to cleanse the body of impurities. There is wide evidence that such waters can improve one's health.

You may not live close enough to a natural hot springs, such as those in Arkansas, Alberta, or even Iceland, but you don't need to travel anymore for the miracle hot springs experience. Home spa Hydrotherapy is readily available for anyone to enjoy. Most hot tub manufacturers have monthly payment options so you can easily manage the cost of a hot tub. Remember that these aren't just bath tubs. They incorporate a great deal of useful technology to make them maintenance free and a great asset to the quality of your life.

Hot Tub Technology

The manufacturer of hot tubs has come a very long way since the early days of hot water in a bath tub. Hot tub technology utilizes a large array of water nozzles (which you can change) to cover your body in streams of heated water. These advanced water distribution systems ensure water is delivered to where it's wanted by the users of the hot tubs. Tubs have seating from 2 persons to 12 or more. Advanced hot tub technology systems allow users to shape the jet sprays anyway they want.

The seats in hot tubs are equipped with jet spray nozzles where the water enters the tub. This powerful torrent can be sprayed in a wide dispersed manner or a single powerful stream. The hottub user can sit in place or move their aching arms and legs across the jet stream to mimic a massage. Built into most jet stream systems is an intermittent regulation of the water flow, so that a pulsating effect is experienced by the person. Even without the jet water action, simply soaking in the heated water will relax muscles. The key is that people can choose the type of hot tub experience they feel comfortable with.

Energy efficiency is a priority with some hot tub manufacturers. Special plumbing, air chambers, and high density insulation multiplies the heat retention capability of these hot tub spas. Top systems use scientifically engineered, thermal lock systems where heat is retained inside the tub, and insulated from loss into the outside environment. Very little power is used throughout the day. Hot tub covers are also specially designed to reduce energy loss offer an added measure of heat loss reduction when the tub isn't being used.

Hot tub spas come in a range of styles and sizes. The number of seats varies and the number of water nozzles and seat depths vary in units as well. A hot tub is going to be a long term investment for you and your family. You'll be wise to purchase a product with a good warranty, excellent energy efficiency, and with a number of seats so that you can have friends and visiting family members enjoy what is very relaxing activity. Your visitors will appreciate it and you'll enjoy your time together more completely. Even if they are spared the pain of their arthritis or other affliction for a short time, you're bound to see a smile on their face for a while.

Enjoy a Bath in Your Hot Tub

A hot tub in your home or your backyard can be as beautiful as a private oasis. Today, you can choose from a great variety of portable hot tubs and exercise pools that can ensure a healthy life for you. You can moreover add some extra features to include surround sound to play your favorite, or some special lighting fixtures to create your favorite ambience.

For sports crazy can even fit your hot tub spa or exercise pool with a TV or go one step further to equip your portable hot tub with cup holders or ice buckets for a dream atmosphere. You further personalize the soak, the inner lining to suit your body contours perfectly to have a soothing sauna.

You can also retrofit your hot tub for aromatherapy sessions. Portable hot tubs are the champions in this segment because of cost effectiveness. You need not fill an enormous swimming pool with such costly perfumes but only a handful amount would do. In fact, this is increasingly becoming a craze for people of all sexes...indulging in a rejuvenating aromatherapy session right in the comfort of their home, rather their backyard.

There are sizes and colors of portable hot tubs and portable exercise pools that are available to suit every budget and every season. You will find small hot tubs that can be accommodated in your bathroom; medium sized portable hot tubs as well as exercise pools that you can use in your front lawn as well as in your backyard. Designer hot tubs are also available. Whatever you are planning to buy, think about where and how you would be using your hot tub. This will help you narrow down your choice.

Accessories account for significant costs of any hot tub or exercise pool. Make sure you talk to the dealer about accessories you will need and the cleaning procedures. You will require a hot tub cover to keep the outside debris from getting in if you are opting for an outside portable hot tub. There are many cover lifts on the market if you find they are too unwieldy for you. Importantly, look for insulated covers that will further reduce your energy costs. If you can spend, a bit more you can opt for smart hot tubs, which you can program for automatic heating and temperature maintenance.

Check with the manufacturer if the model you want is suitable for your climate. A lot of damage can be done if the temperature gets too cold and the tub freezes. Check out if you can have the capability for a remote control. Owning a hot tub is an enjoyable experience and you deserve the benefits of owning a hot tub, hence make sure that your choice of a hot tub is just the right one.

Hot Tub Gazebo Plan - Use Your Hot Tub No Matter the Weather

Your hot tub is a focal point in your backyard landscape. It is a great place to soak the cares of the day away. Friends enjoy coming over and joining you in your bubbly wonderland. You can extend the hot tub season indefinitely when you decide to add a gazebo to your hot tub as an enclosure.

You can erect a simple gazebo for your hot tub with a hot tub gazebo plan. A hot tub gazebo plan is easy to follow and easy to find. You can go looking for ideas for your hot tub gazebo plan by going to home and garden stores in your neighborhood. At a home and garden store, you can browse the different styles of gazebos and decide the kind of material you want to use. You can then take your ideas to the internet and find the hot tub gazebo plan that will be ideal in your backyard.

A hot tub gazebo plan will lead you step by step through the process of building. You will get a complete materials list and detailed instructions on how to construct your hot tub gazebo with ease. Even if you don't feel confident enough to construct if yourself, your hot tub gazebo plan will lead a professional team in building the hot tub gazebo of your dreams.

A hot tub gazebo plan can be as simple or as intricate as you'd like. You may decide you want your hot tub gazebo plan to enclose your hot tub completely to enable you to enjoy your hot tub no matter what the weather. A fully enclosed hot tub gazebo plan offers maximum protection from all kinds of weather. Wind, snow, rain, or sleet will not be an issue when you are ready to go and have a relaxing soak in your hot tub.

A hot tub gazebo plan can be a simple and attractive structure to cover your hot tub. You can get medium protection from a hot tub gazebo plan that includes a roof and perhaps some screening. You will love the experience of going out to your hot tub gazebo on a frosty night with snow gently falling, and you are well protected from the elements. It will enable you to use your hot tub in all kinds of weather no matter what type of gazebo hot tub plan you decide to construct in your yard.

Cheap Hot Tubs - How You Can Find One

Not everyone can afford to pay $5,000 (or more) for a hot tub. Add expenses for chemicals, accessories, installation, and a good quality hot tub cover and you are spending some serious cash. Are there less expensive ways to get a good soak? Absolutely! Leaving aside the possibility that you could build your own, there are several other ways of finding a cheap hot tub.

After shopping at your local spa dealer you might be discouraged with how high the prices are. Even the discount factory warehouse chains sometimes seem to lure you in with a low price in a newspaper ad, then try and talk you out of buying the advertised one and spending instead on a top of the line hot tub. They will use arguments like, "this discount tub is a closeout and the technology has come a long way since this has been manufactured". Or come up with things like "the insulation in this other tub is much more efficient", "the motor is more powerful", or have some other reason to steer you toward a more expensive tub. Some of the things salespeople are saying might be absolutely true, but they are trying to play on your fears and emotions to get you to spend more than you might have initially budgeted.

Step back for a minute and really evaluate your needs and budget. Recently our local factory warehouse ran a newspaper ad and featured a hot tub on sale for $750. "A cheap hot tub, a piece of junk" the salesman said, when I asked about it. "Let me show you a real hot tub". What he didn't say of course was that the "real hot tub" sold for $6,000. But if you are willing to put up with cheaper construction, a less powerful motor, and higher lifetime heating costs, the difference in purchase price between the two hot tubs might make buying the less expensive one a perfectly reasonable decision. You can normally add lights and some other accessories after you have used the tub for awhile. You can probably decide later to add an accessory if you are missing something you really want.

If you research spas you'll find lots of information about acrylic shells, fancy heating units, insulation, and dozens of other factors you to consider when buying a hot tub. If the one factor that is most important to you is price, then there is at least one manufacturer who makes a cheap hot tub [] -- a new and complete unit for less than $1,000. It's also very light so it is inexpensive to ship. Of course there are lots of things that you won't get with a lower end model, like fancy lights, seating for 8, or a powerful heater, but any hot tub is better than no hot tub, right?

eBay, the king of online auctions, typically has dozens of hot tub auctions running at any one time. Most of these tubs are new and you do need to be careful about the shipping costs which can run $500 or more. Frequently the delivery company will only put the spa on the curb and it will be up to you (and probably take a lot of your neighbors) to find a way to lug it to the location where you want it.

Buying a used spa is another way of acquiring a hot tub without paying full price. Local classified newspaper advertising or your area's ad rags will frequently carry offers from people who have a unit to sell. You do have to be cautious about the quality of used hot tubs. If someone has one sitting empty in their backyard be very careful and check it out completely. There are dangers to buying used spas, and if the hot tub is not set up and running so you can test the pump, heater, and other features, then you might be very disappointed when you get it home and set up.

Hot Tub Gazebo Plan - An Enclosure For Your Hot Tub

If you have decided to add a gazebo to your outdoor living space, why not consider adding a hot tub, or if you already have a hot tub, why not invest in a gazebo to enclose it. You are sure to find many hot tub gazebo plans when you search on the internet. You can get some ideas for your hot tub gazebo plan by visiting home and garden centers to ensure you have picked the best hot tub gazebo plan for you.

A hot tub gazebo plan will add a stylish shelter to enjoy using your hot tub all year round no matter what the weather. You can choose a hot tub gazebo plan that is open all around with just a roof for minimum protection, you can have a hot tub gazebo plan that includes screening, or you can have a fully enclosed hot tub gazebo plan for maximum protection against wind, rain, and snow. Whatever you decide, you will never be sorry you decided to add a hot tub gazebo plan to your backyard.

You can have your hot tub gazebo plan made out of many different types of material. You may opt for a hot tub gazebo plan that is made of metal. You may decide on a vinyl hot tub gazebo plan for easy care and maintenance. Most people prefer a wooden hot tub gazebo plan. They can be pine, oak or most popular of the wood is cedar. Your hot tub gazebo plan made of cedar will weather and age to a lovely silver gray.

You may decide to purchase your hot tub gazebo plan from an Amish company. You usually can't beat the quality and craftsmanship you will get if you purchase your hot tub gazebo plan from a company that carries Amish products.

You can customize your hot tub gazebo plan in many ways. You may want to add ornamentation, flowers, decorative edging, or even a cupola on the roof. Feel free to use your imagination and see the beautiful results you can achieve with a hot tub gazebo plan. You are sure to be a hit with all your family and friends, and they will want to visit you often to take advantage of the relaxation they will find when you install a hot tub gazebo plan in your outdoor world.

Indoor Hot Tubs

Today, hot tubs are more popular than ever and the number of hot tub owners is steadily rising. If you are ready to join this already large group of home owners, you must decide if you would prefer an indoor hot tub or an outdoor. Hot tubs are traditionally found outside, but more and more people are choosing modern indoor versions.

Indoor hot tubs offer many conveniences that can't be found with outdoor tubs. Extra privacy is one popular convenience. Indoor hot tubs eliminate the awkwardness of using the tub in front of neighbors or passersby. This type of hot tub is located in the privacy of your home so it is only viewable to people you are already comfortable with.

Another primary reason many homeowners are now opting for indoor hot tubs rather than outside is the weather. An indoor hot tub can be used year round, regardless of the weather conditions, making an indoor tub perfect for everyday use. The usage of an outdoor hot tub is influenced by the conditions, as well as the season, resulting in a typical loss of three to four months of possible use.

If you plan to purchase an indoor hot tub, you should consider where you will install it and the people who will use it most often. To get the most relaxation from your indoor hot tub, you should place it in an area that is typically calm with little distraction. You should also consider a location that will minimize the mess of water, because an indoor hot tub makes it easier to get out of the tub and walk through the rest of the house before drying off.

Another thing to remember if you are thinking of buying an indoor hot tub is that, although they are more convenient, indoor hot tubs require more complex installations than traditional outdoor ones. Hot tubs produce extreme heat as well as high humidity so your hot tub needs to be placed in a well ventilated area of your home. Too small of a space can cause structural damage to your home, including weakened plaster and condensation that leads to mold and window damage.

A typical hot tub can weigh more than two tons when it is filled, depending on its size, so it is imperative to check the foundation of your home for sturdiness before installing your tub, especially in the room where you plan to install the hot tub. Wherever you decide to install your indoor hot tub, you should reinforce the floor in that room. A standard floor is only designed to support a quarter of the weight of a full hot tub. To allow simple maintenance of your hot tub, you should also ensure that the room you choose can be easily connected to adequate drainage.

Hot Tub Prices

Hot tub prices can range from £500 to £15,000, so it can very hard to choose how much to spend on a hot tub, and what you actually get for £15,000 instead of £3000 which will buy you a very high quality hot tub.

Before you begin looking at the hot tub prices its best to decided what you require from a hot tub, e.g., 2 person tubs, 4 person tubs 6 person tub or bigger. Once you have decided on what size a hot tub you need or would like you can then have a think of the shape, do you want a square, rectangular, round, or a different shape like a octagonal one.

Once you have decided on the shape and size you can look at the main parts and accessories that affect the hot tub price.

Number of Jets

Number of Pump and horse power

Size of the heater

What the shell is made of

If you have a wooden cabinet

Sound System

TV System

All of the above can have an effect on the price of your hot tub, with the TV systems and sound systems being the most expensive as they have to be water proof.

The best way to keep the hot tub price down but still purchase a high quality hot tub is by making sure your hot tub does not have a sound system, TV System or a wooden cabinet as these are all luxury extras.
Another way to find hot tub prices lower is by looking for rotational moulded hot tub shells as these are cheaper to manufactures. There a few high quality rotational moulded hot tub with prices around £3000

When comparing hot tub prices it recommended that you also take a look on the internet as there are online hot tub dealers that can off you fantastic hot tub price, but be wary as some online hot tub retailer are selling poor quality hot tubs, its recommend you find a dealer that is part of BISHTA which is a hot tub association ensuring you are purchasing from a reliable hot tub company.

The Benefits Of The Electric Hot Water Heater

When it comes to water heaters, there is strong disagreement as to which one type of electric hot water heater is better: whether gas hot water heater or the electric hot water heater. Between the two type of heaters, there are both similarities and differences, and there are also both pros and cons. But ultimately, it comes down to which type of hot water heater a person prefers because both the gas hot water heater and the electric hot water heater perform the same type of heating function. However, many people are concerned With an electric hot water heater, the electric bill and how much it is costing to operate an electric hot water heater, and so they choose to use a gas water heater instead of the electric hot water heater.

The Costs Of The Electric Hot Water Heater - It is Not High As Some Perceived it To Be

Many people think that electric hot water heaters are very expensive, and there are commercials seen often that indicate that gas water heaters are a better choice because they cost less and they keep working when the power goes out. While it is real that a gas hot water heater will keep working when there is no power, and an electric hot water heater will not (unless one has a generator), this is should not be the only factor to consider when deciding whether one should have an electric or gas hot water heater. There are other concerns that have to be addressed too, and these ranges from whether natural gas or propane is available in the area to whether individuals are concerned about whether natural gas or propane is safe for the family, or whether there is a danger of explosion or other problems.

The benefits Of the electric hot water heater that are seen with the electric hot water heater include faster heating and higher safety ratings, as natural gas or propane can potentially cause fires and explosions. It is not impossible for an electric hot water heater to cause a fire too. Though most people associate the fire and explosion problems with gas hot water heaters, which makes them looks more 'dangerous' in the eyes of many people. It is important to that when determining whether one wants to purchase a gas hot water heater or an electric hot water heater. Electric water heaters provide many years of good and quality heating service, and there are various brands and sizes that can be purchased so that a person can ensure that he or she gets the hot water heater that meets their needs. The benefits of hot water heater certainly outweigh the gas water heater.

Round Hot Tubs

There are many different shapes and sizes of hot tubs on the market now from round hot tubs to square as well as rectangular one, and even small 2 person hot tubs and every other shape the manufactures can think of to make it more interesting and different.
When looking at the different shapes of spa's, think what you would be using your hot tubs for, as the size and shape of the hot tub is just as important as how many jets and gadgets the hot tub has.

Most hot tubs on the market are square or rectangular but now there are round hot tubs appearing which have a lot of benefits compared to the traditional square ones.
As hot tubs can be a very sociable activity, round hot tubs make it easier for yourself and your guest all sit around in a circle enjoying the warm bubbling water. This makes it easier to chat to every one in the hot tub as you are facing every one, a problem with a square hot tub is that some people are lying down therefore every one is facing in different directions as well as being at different heights making it harder to chat to every one.

When you ard looking around at different hot tubs you will still mainly notice square and rectangular hot tubs, but round hot tubs are appearing and can been seen at a few hot tub dealers.
If you plan to use your hot tub for socialising make sure you have a hot tub that can hold 6 people or more so you can fit your friends and family in the hot tub.

With a round hot tub you could have a hot tub party and invite all your friend over to show off your new hot tub then all sit in your new round hot tub and having a chat. This
Once you have invited your friends over for your first hot tub party they will be wanting you to have one every week, or you will find your friends popping over a lot more to use the hot tub.

Why not start looking around for a round hot tub for your garden, which will create a incredible focus point in your garden and let you have the best garden parties for your friends with the hot tub bubbling and steaming away for you, waiting for you to get into for a relaxing chat in your new round hot tub.

Hot Tub Bacterium and How To Avoid Them

Hot Tubs and hot tub water need to be kept clean and a cleaning regime adhered to otherwise you will find yourself subject to infections caused by hot tub bacterium. In this article you will find information on the most common bacterium found in hot tubs and what you can do about them.

A hot tub is usually purchased for relaxation and therapeutic purposes. However, it is necessary to have a regular cleaning schedule otherwise hot tub bacterium can form and far from being relaxing your hot tub will be a source of sickness and skin rashes.

Air borne bacteria

A regular cleaning schedule will help you to avoid the hot tub bacterium mycobacterium avium, a member of the bacteria family, which causes tuberculosis. This is not usually contagious, but it has found a pleasant breeding ground in hot tubs.

This bacteria is contained in the bubbles produced as a result of the circulating jets in the water and are released into the air, and thus inhaled by people using the hot tub, when the bubbles burst open.

The symptoms of infection are difficulty breathing, a wet cough, fatigue and tightness in the chest.
Your doctor will advise you to refrain from using the hot tub and will probably prescribe steroids and if the infection is particularly severe, you may need oxygen treatment.

Chlorine which is normally used to provide benefit in swimming pools becomes ineffective at a water temperature in excess of 80 degrees and therefore cannot be relied upon to keep your hot tub bacteria free and you will need to use hot tub chemicals LINK instead

Skin rashes from hot tub bacterium
A skin rash known as folliculitis is particularly prevalent when you do not have a rigorous cleaning routine. It is an infection of the hair follicles and a common strain is in fact called hot tub folliculitis.
Children tend to be more susceptible to it due to the length of time they tend to spend in the hot tub, however it is not contagious, just uncomfortable.
The rash can break out anywhere on the body but is most likely in areas covered by clothing, such as swimsuits. The rash normally appears from a few hours to several days after exposure.

These hot tub bacterium cannot survive in a dry atmosphere and will gradually disappear. The rashes can be eased with sulfide creams, vinegar compresses and oral antibiotics.

If you do have hot tub bacterium in your tub then you will need to drain it and thoroughly clean and sanitize it before re-use, then establish an effective cleaning routine.

Ideally you want to prevent this happening in the first place and the use of hot tub chemicals on a regular basis will ensure your hot tub is bacterium free.

2 Person Hot Tubs

Hot Tubs are a fantastic accessory to have in your garden or conservatory, to be able to have a hot steaming hot tub ready for you and your partner to unwind when every you want so you are able to soak away all your tension and tired muscles.

Many people feel that they would love a hot tub in their garden but think hot tubs are all to big therefore do not have room in there garden or could not get a hot tub into their garden.
There are Hot tub on the marketplace now that are designed for two people only; therefore the tubs are much smaller to the traditional larger hot tubs. There's small hot tubs are ideal for people that wish to have a hot tub, but do not want a huge hot tub due to them not having room in the garden or just feel they do not have the need for a larger hot tub, as only every 2 people will be using the hot tub.

Small hot tubs have advantages

Smaller Hot tubs are fantastic if space is a premium in your garden or you just want small hot tub for you and your partner and do not want to share the hot tub with friends and family

An advantage of having a small hot tub is that it makes it a lot easier to get it into gardens as many small tubs are designed to be fit through a standard door therefore there is no expense for a crane to get the tub into the garden and it makes it easier to carry the tub into your garden.
With small hot tubs it enable you to fit them inside a conservatory easily with out taking up to much room and have the use of your hot tub in all weather if you do not want to step out in the cold during winter


Small hot tubs are very reasonable to buy with prices starting around £2200 for a good quality tub. By having a smaller tub the volume of water is a lot less therefore running cost are reduced due to the heater having less water to heat.
When looking at smaller hot tub make sure you find out what type of heaters the tubs have, many cheaper 2 person hot tubs rely on a heat pump and there for take a very long time to heat up. It's highly recommended you make sure your 2 person spa has a heater in it, as it heats up much faster compared to heat pumps.

Hot Tub Heater - How to Select the Best One for You

A hot tub heater is the most important part of your hot tub. There are different types of heaters for indoor and outdoor hot tubs, and a good heater can heat your tub quickly and then maintain the temperature. Hot tub heaters are also used in home spas.

Isn't that great to take a hot relaxing bath outside, when the weather is quite chilly? Good hot tub heaters will keep your bath temperature the same even in cold weather.

Selecting the right hot tub heater for your hot tub or spa, can be a bit tricky. There are very many heaters available. Before you decide on what type of heater you want, think of how often your are going to use your hot tub. For frequent use, gas hot tub heaters are best.

Different types of hot tub heaters

There are three most popular types of hot tub water heater based on the source of fuel:

- Gas heaters

- Electric heaters

- Wood heaters

Each type has its own pros and cons. You can't say that one type is better than the others, it really depends on what suits better for your spa or hot tub.

Electric Heaters for Hot Tubs

Electric hot tub heaters are very easy to use. All you need is a standard domestic hook-up of 110/220V. No additional wiring is required and you can use your heater anywhere where you have a standard hook-up. Another advantage is that electric heaters are easy to fix if anything is wrong with your unit, and you will not have any problems finding parts for it. Also the heater is fitted within the hot tub cabinet, so it is self-contained.

Disadvantage - electric heaters use a lot of energy which will drive your energy bills high.

Gas and Propane Hot Tub Heaters save You Money

Natural gas or propane hot tub heater would be more economical. So it is better suited for frequent users of the hot tub in cold season. Also it heats the water quicker and is better for installing in the in-ground hot tubs. If the electrical supply is not available, an external gas or propane heater works great for keeping the tub hot.

Old Fashioned Wood Burning Hot Tub Heaters

Wood burning hot tub heaters are actually the most economical. However, you can't use it with any tub. You can only use a wood heater with wooden hot tubs. They heat up your hot tub quickly and work very efficiently. The fuel is Cord Wood or coal. This type of hot tub heater is best for people who use the hot tub occasionally.

Herbal Remedies for Hot Flashes: Avoiding the Problems of Hormone Replacement Therapy

The most common menopausal symptom for most women is also the most uncomfortable. Women who would otherwise hardly notice the transition into menopause definitely notice hot flashes! The medical treatment that was usually suggested for hot flashes in the past was hormone replacement therapy. While HRT can be very effective in alleviating the symptoms it can also increase your risk of breast cancer and stroke. It is no wonder that so many women are using herbal remedies for hot flashes.

The exact cause of hot flashes is unclear, but hormonal changes and imbalances are thought to be the main reason. Medical professionals consider hot flashes as an estrogen deficiency that can be triggered by stimulants, such as spicy foods (ginger, cayenne, pepper), acidic foods (tomatoes, citrus, pickles), hot drinks, alcoholic drinks, caffeine (chocolate, coffee, cola, black tea), white sugar, stress, hot weather, saturated or hydrogenated fats (margarine, meat), saunas and hot tubs, marijuana or tobacco, intense exercise, and anger. For many women, just eliminating that list of triggers plus using herbal remedies for hot flashes will bring immediate relief.

Hot flashes may last for a few minutes or even up to an hour. They may be mild or very severe. Every woman will experience them a little differently. Hot flashes which occur at night are called night sweats. They can be accompanied with anxiety and nightmares. Not all women experience hot flashes and fewer experience night sweats. However, many women experience both situations when they are going through menopause.

Exercise is a good way of decreasing hot flashes because it decreases the amount of FSH and LH hormone circulation by toning and nourishing the hypothalamus and raising endorphin levels.

Herbal remedies for hot flashes include plants that have the ability to cool the body, such as chickweed, violet, and elder; plants which increase and nourish oxygen utilization of the liver, such as dandelion, dong quai, polygonum multiflorum,, and yellow duck; and plants which contains high phytosterols, most notably black cohosh.

These are some of the most used herbal remedies for hot flashes:

1. Dong quai relaxes and contracts the uterine muscles. Its effect is not estrogenic, which is the main reason for dong quai's effectiveness. It treats hot flashes by stabilizing the blood vessels.

2. Chaste berry or vitex affects the functions of the pituitary and regulates dizziness and hot flashes. Its beneficial effects are altering the secretion of FSH and LH hormones during menopause. It lowers the levels of estrogen while increasing progesterone levels, which keep vaginal walls and bones strong.

3. Black cohosh was used widely by Native Americans and later by the American colonists for relieving menopause and menstrual cramps. Clinical studies have revealed that black cohosh extract relieves hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, and depression.

4. Motherwort lessens the frequency, duration and severity of hot flashes. It relieves anxiety, insomnia, and stress. Frequent usage will produce the best results.

5. Licorice root is historically used for treating various female disorders. It also has been used effectively in treating asthma and infections of the respiratory tract. It also decreases estrogen and increases progesterone.

6. Essential oils of thyme or basil alleviate hot flashes when utilized in baths, foot rubs, when inhaled, or combined with massage oils.

These herbal remedies for hot flashes - when combined with eliminating common triggers - can greatly reduce menopausal symptoms in most women.

Hot Stone Treatments

There are several forms of hot stone massage offered at most spas. The types range from general massage to massage of specific areas. Hot stone massages are believed to promote relaxation, improve circulation, increase bodily energy, and provide deeper massage than traditional massage techniques. This article explains the different hot stone massage treatments:

General Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage is a specialty massage technique that uses smooth, warmed basalt (volcano rock). It is said to be a deeply relaxing form of massage, and the heat from the rocks is said to help release muscle tension. Before the massage begins, the therapist warms the rocks in warm water. The technique uses the same basic strokes as a Swedish massage; however, basalt stones are substituted for the use of fingers. As the stones cool, the massage therapist replaces them with warm stones. Additionally, the massage therapist may lay warm stones on you as a means of increasing the flow of energy in your body.

Hot Stone Foot Massage

Hot stone foot massages use the same basalt stones and techniques as a general hot stone massage. The heat in the stones is said to be very relaxing, and it improves blood flow circulation in your feet and legs.

Hot Stone Back Massage

Hot stone back massage uses the same techniques and has the same effects as a general hot stone massage. The difference is that a general hot stone massage focuses on the entire body where a hot stone back massage focuses primarily on your back. Hot stone back massages are said to be more relaxing that typical Swedish massages because the heat from the stones allows the therapist to massage deeper with less pressure.

Hot Stone Prone Massage

A hot stone prone massage is similar to a general full body hot stone massage, but hot stone prone massages target specific areas and muscles rather than focusing on the whole body. Generally, a hot stone prone massage therapist focuses on your feet, legs, gluteus muscles, back of arms, entire back, and neck.

Hot Stone Facial Massage

Hot stone facial massages use traditional Asian stones, or yen stones, that are smooth, round, donut-shaped stones. Basalt stones are not typically used in hot face massages because their surface is too coarse and can cause micro-scratches on the delicate tissues of the face. Heating pads are generally used to heat the yen stones, as opposed to the water-heating technique used in general hot stone massage. Hot stone facial massage is said to be very relaxing, and, in addition, it stimulates the nervous system. A stimulated nervous system increases blood and lymph circulation, restoring damaged skin cells and improving facial appearance.

An Introduction to Rotary Hot Stamping

Hot stamping is a process for transferring a dry film to a substrate through heat and pressure. This requires the following basic components:

Main Components of the Hot Stamping Process:

ANVIL Usually made of a hard rubber or phenolic. The anvil must be hard enough to resist cupping under the load of the die, soft enough to protect the die from irregularities in the substrate, and resilient enough not to take a set through repeated pounding.

SUBSTRATE A wide variety of substrates are suitable for the hot stamping process. Surface tension of the substrate has the same affect on hot stamping as it does on printing. In addition to surface tension, the porosity of the material has a profound affect on stamping speed. A dry material will tend to cool the foil before it gets a chance to adhere properly. The resulting stamp will show a mottled surface similar to how ink looks on such a material. As a rule of thumb, a material that prints well will also stamp well.

ROLL LEAF Also known as Foil Roll leaf is the ink of a hot stamping operation. It is made up of a carrier with a series of coatings to be transferred. The carrier is made from polyester film that can range from just under 0.0005" to about 0.0015". The thinner the carrier, all other things being equal, the faster the foil will transfer.

The first layer applied to the carrier is a thin release coat. This layer affects whether or not a foil is suitable for fine copy or heavy coverage and affects the "cutting" properties of the foil.

The second layer called the "tie" or "color" coat serves dual purposes in a roll leaf product. The first function of this layer is to provide a hard abrasion resistant surface to the foil when applied. At 1.2-1.5 microns the tie coat makes up about 30% of the transferred product. Since the metallic layer is always made from aluminum, a tint is required to make a gold or other colored metallic . This tint is the second function of the tie coat.

Under the tie coat is a vacuum deposited aluminum layer. This is the most opaque layer in the construction even though it is only 0.02-0.05 microns thick. This layer has no structural integrity of its own.

The final layer in the foil construction is the sizing. This is a heat-activated adhesive that glues the foil image to the substrate. At 1.5-3 microns this layer makes up 50-70% of the transferred product. A thin layer of sizing cuts cleanest and tends to work best on films or high gloss materials. Heavily sized products do a better job of filling a more porous substrate.

HOT STAMPING DIE The hot stamp die is an engraved plate where the non-printing areas are relieved. It is important that the material used holds as much thermal energy as possible at the surface. Copper alloys excel in this area and are used almost exclusively in rotary applications where dwell times are extremely short. There are two primary methods of engraving hot stamp tooling.

The original method is photoengraving. In this process the image is transferred via a photographic negative. The unwanted metal is then etched away by a strong acid. The process is very similar to printed circuit board production. The advantage of photoengraving is that as the complexity and scale of the image increases the cost remains more or less fixed. The disadvantage is that as image complexity decreases the cost remains more or less fixed. Photoengraving is a high overhead process that excels in producing complex images.

A more recent method of producing hot stamp tooling is CNC engraving. In this process the image is taken in an electronic format and specialized software generates tool paths that remove the unwanted material. The advantage of CNC engraving is that simple images can be produced very efficiently. As the quantity and complexity of the image increases the cost increases proportionately. CNC engraving is a low overhead operation that most efficiently produces less complex images.


Foil is transferred to the substrate when a heated die forces the foil onto the substrate against the anvil. The die must be hot enough to activate the adhesive (sizing) on the back of the roll leaf and adhere it to the substrate. The die also performs the very important function of cutting the foil all around the perimeter of the detail being transferred. Without this cutting action the foil will bridge across any small reverses in the copy.

ROTARY HOT STAMPING The information provided up to this point is general and applies to both rotary and flat bed hot stamping. In rotary hot stamping the time element in our transfer formula becomes an inverse function of press speed. Since the contact point between two rollers is theoretically a line this time function becomes very short. A good point of reference is that at 100 FPM 0.020" of material goes by in one millisecond, it takes about 75-100 millisecond to blink your eye.

This extremely short dwell time explains why porous materials prove difficult to process rotary. As the top fibers cool the sizing, the foil solidifies on top of the material before it can creep down into the fiber. The dwell time that allows a flat bed system to force the foil down into the substrate also allows heat to move laterally through the film. This causes the foil to release or "bridge" across fine reverse details. Thus, short dwell time is also the reason rotary hot stamping is able to produce a greater level of detail than the best flat bed equipment.

ROTARY HOT STAMP EQUIPMENT For a rotary hot stamping system to operate it must perform two basic functions. First it must maintain the desired temperature of the die. Second it must hold the die securely in position to produce even depth of impression through heavy and light coverage regions of the die.

TEMPERATURE CONTROL Temperature control of rotary hot stamp systems is achieved by one of two methods. Most common is internal electric. This can be used with or without cooling. The second is hot oil. While inherently more accurate, hot oil also adds a dangerous component.

IMPRESSION CONTROL The second task of any rotary hot stamping system is that it maintains an even depth of impression. The main problem with this is that the heated die must also be taken off of impression when the web is stationary. The original hot stamp units used a pneumatic bridge to achieve this. After time the shortcomings of this system became obvious. First, the amount of lift-off was limited by the gearing. This was a particular problem on 32dp gearing where the small teeth limited throw off to approximately 0.030". Second, any variation in line pressure would affect the impression.

The next generation of impression control utilized a cam over center type mechanism where the die remained stationary and the impression roll rotates up to meet it. This system uses air pressure to make and break the impression but will hold its impression regardless of available air pressure. While this approach was a great improvement it is still limited to webs 10" and less. The problem with going to wider webs is that as solid as the base roll may be, by applying pressure to the bearing blocks rather than die bearers allows to much flexing in the die shaft assembly to achieve good speeds on wider webs.

The key to achieving high speeds on wider webs is in making the hot stamping system follow the same principles of operation as a cutting die. It has been a long time since applying pressure to the bearing blocks in a did cutting operation was an accepted practice. The latest designs have addressed this issue by adding steel bearers to the hot stamp die. With this design the die and anvil are sandwiched between the lower anvil roll and an assist roll where pressure can be set and monitored. With the die locked tightly in the station the anvil is adjusted independently to meet the die.

Is There a Safe and Effective Cure for Hot Flashes?

If you're a woman and you're in menopause, then it almost goes without saying that you've suffered from hot flashes at one time or another. Hot flashes affect 75-85% of all women in menopause to varying degrees. It is not completely understood exactly what causes them, but most agree that it is due to hormonal imbalances caused by changes in the level of estrogen. Because they can be so uncomfortable and disruptive, most women are searching for a safe cure for hot flashes.

Some of the earliest symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, abnormal menstrual bleeding, and mood swings. Hot flashes and night sweats often result in sleep problems and insomnia, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Women in menopause quite often also experience heart palpitations, vaginal dryness, weight gain, loss of libido, and urinary changes. Some women float through menopause with few symptoms, but for most of us it's a different story. Is it any wonder that searching for a safe and effective cure for hot flashes can be such a priority?

Since the imbalance is caused by falling estrogen levels, it makes sense that estrogen itself is the most effective treatment for hot flashes. That's why for so many years Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) - also known as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - has been the primary cure for hot flashes. In fact, it generally results in an 80 to 90% reduction in hot flashes and other symptoms.

The peak age for hot flashes is the early 50's, but many women start getting them in their 40's. There is also a growing number of women who have undergone breast cancer treatment who suffer from hot flashes as well. Estrogen is the most prescribed medication to cure hot flashes, often as a pill or a skin patch. Generally, the amount of estrogen it takes to reduce hot flashes and other symptoms is less than the amount needed for normal menstrual periods. In recent years, doctors have prescribed much lower dosages than in the past.

Unfortunately, very recent studies have made it very clear that hormone replacement can increase the risk of breast cancer, uterine cancer, and strokes. That means the hot flash cure can be worse then just coping with the symptoms. This has led increasing numbers of women to search for a more natural cure for hot flashes.

Breast cancer survivors don't even have the option of using estrogen as a cure for hot flashes. The concern is that taking estrogen would cause the reappearance and further growth of breast cancer cells. Hot flashes then become a routine occurrence in women undergoing breast cancer treatment. Many of these women have severe hot flashes.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies and strategies that can lessen the effects of hot flashes and other symptoms. Many women have turned to herbal remedies that include black cohosh, soy, and vitamin E. They have found these natural remedies to be an effective part of their search of a cure for hot flashes. Lifestyle and dietary changes also play a part. Foods and beverages that often increase hot flashes are alcohol, caffeine, and hot, spicy foods. Removing them from the diet can improve your symptoms. Increasing physical activity will also help.

What Do Hot Flashes Feel Like and a Few Other Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer some frequently asked questions concerning menopause and the time leading up to menopause, such as "what do hot flashes feel like". We also look at different opinions concerning the cause of hot flashes.

What do hot flashes feel like?

Usually the heat begins in the chest and moves its way up the neck. The face becomes hot and may look "flushed". Hot flashes are sometimes called hot "flushes". Sometimes, red splotches appear on the neck and/or face. Sweating on the forehead and back of the neck may be noticed. Some women only experience a generalized feeling of being to warm. Others notice that there hands and feet feel cold, while the rest of their body feels hot. Hot flashes can be symptoms of conditions other than menopause and women should remember to have regular check-ups and report their symptoms to their doctors.

What do hot flashes feel like at night?

Hot flashes which occur at night are generally referred to as night sweats. They may disrupt a woman's sleep. The major difference reported by most women between hot flashes and night sweats is the "sweating". Women sometimes wake up with their bedding wet and pools of perspiration on their chest. Most women are more frustrated by night sweats than daytime hot flashes, not only because they interrupt sleep, but also because a feeling of being chilled may follow them.

What is the cause of hot flashes?

The exact cause of hot flashes is unknown. Because women who have had their ovaries surgically removed due to illness or injury experience severe hot flashes, the assumption has been made that the cause of hot flashes during menopause is a hormonal deficiency. Some argue that, if this were the case, then postmenopausal women would continue to have hot flashes throughout their lives. Most women experience hot flashes for several years before menopause and only for a year or two following menopause.

What could be the cause of hot flashes?

Decreasing hormone production by the ovaries could be the cause of hot flashes. Hormones can be produced by the adrenals and can be synthesized from fat cells. Researchers have been unable to find a clear connection between hormones and hot flashes. But, it is clear that when medical treatments call for a sudden decrease in hormones, people, even men, have hot flashes.

Popular Home Remedies for Hot Flashes and Why They Work

More and more women are looking for natural hot flash relief or "home remedies" for hot flashes. For many years the treatment of choice was hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but the medical community has now identified the risks associated with long-term use of HRT. Since some women begin to suffer from hot flashes, bed sweats and other menopausal symptoms five or six years before their menstrual cycles end and then may continue to have them for several years afterwards, it is not unusual for a woman to need relief or treatment for ten years. The longer she uses HRT, the greater her risk of developing serious medical conditions including cancer, heart disease, blood clots and stroke.

There are several types of home remedies for hot flashes. There are the things that you avoid, because they may trigger hot flashes or worsen their severity. There are the things that you can do to relieve or possibly prevent the frequency of them. And then there are herbs, botanicals and even some foods that may provide hot flash relief. First, we'll look at the things that typically trigger hot flashes; those things to be avoided.

Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol & Other Triggers

Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants. Stimulants increase blood pressure and cause blood vessels to dilate. One of the body's natural reactions to stimulants is "flushing". While decreased estrogen production causes hot flashes or "flushes" during perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause, anything that would ordinarily cause flushing, can trigger hot flashes. Even though alcohol is a depressant, rather than a stimulant, it still dilates the blood vessels, increases blood pressure and can trigger hot flashes.

Other hot flash triggers may be unique to the individual woman and may require a symptoms diary to identify them. For example, many women find that spicy foods trigger hot flashes. Certain vitamins, over the counter drugs, prescription and illicit drugs (like marijuana) may trigger hot flashes, if they increase blood pressure or cause the blood vessels to dilate. When drugs or vitamins are necessary for other health reasons, it may not be possible to avoid them. Herbal home remedies for hot flashes may be helpful, in these cases, but prescription drugs can interact with some herbs. Your doctor, pharmacist or herbalist should be able to advise you about any herbal remedies that should be avoided, if you are taking medication.

Things That Help

Hot flash relief may be a simple matter of wearing loose fitting, lighter weight or cotton clothing. Cotton allows perspiration to evaporate, cooling the skin off more quickly and making you feel more comfortable. Dressing in layers can also help. You can take layers off as your body heats up and put them back on, if you become chilled afterwards, as many women do.

Regular exercise provides hot flash relief for many women. It may be that the heat you generate while moving around helps the body stay at a more comfortable temperature throughout the day. Diet can also be a factor, which brings up the last of the home remedies for hot flashes.

Dietary, Herbal and Botanical Home Remedies for Hot Flashes

A lot is being said about soy beans for menopausal symptoms. Soy beans contain a compound called isoflavones, which are plant estrogens or phytoestrogens. These phytoestrogens may have an estrogen-like effect on a woman's body, provide hot flash relief and possibly relieve other menopausal symptoms. While some experts suggest that adding soy to the diet may be a better choice than dietary supplements that contain the active compound, the research conducted thus far indicates that dietary supplements decrease hot flashes much more effectively than food products such as soy flour. For women who are allergic to soy, isoflavones can be found in other plants, such as red clover.

Natural Hot Tubs

Although most people are familiar with man made hot tubs or "Jacuzzis," even many hot tub aficionados are unaware of another option in the world of hot tubs - the natural or spring-fed hot tub.

There are natural hot springs and the attendant earth source hot tubs in many places throughout the world - within North America, the states of Arkansas, California Idaho, Montana, Texas, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming all have hot springs which have been developed into tourist attractions. Further north, there are natural hot springs in British Columbia and even Alaska!

A natural hot tub is a very different experience from a backyard Jacuzzi. Aside from the reduced maintenance involved, there are a variety of little-known non-commercial natural hot tubs which have been assembled near rivers in the semi-wilds of Idaho. There is typically a long hike through winding trails and scenic forest in order to reach a site unlisted on any maps. The hot tub is usually comprised of gravel and cement with rubber or PVC hoses which divert geo-thermally heated water from the natural hot spring to the hot tub.

Some of the better-engineered of these locations include fittings and hoses to allow the redirection of cool river or stream water, as well as the hot water from below the Earth's surface to create the same level of comfort as one might find in a backyard spa.

This decidedly rustic experience is not for everyone, however - in some cases, there is nothing more than a bucket as a means for hauling cool water from a nearby river or lake in order to lower the temperature of the tub water. Such exertion can allow natural hot tubbing to become an endurance building exercise as well as a relaxing escape. For those who would prefer uninterrupted relaxation in a variable massaging jet of bubbles at a preset temperature, natural hot tubs may seem the stuff of nightmares; chance encounters with wildlife are not uncommon, and the remote access is often the best guarantee of exclusivity.

Although not as accessible for any but a hermit, a natural hot tub is certainly an experience worth having, particularly for those with affection for the out-of-doors. Thanks to the communication offered by the Internet, the locations of many of these spring-fed hot tubs are now available for all. Thankfully, the remoteness of their locations prevents lines from getting too long - so if you're interested in driving down a rocky trail, search for an all-natural hot tub location in your next vacation area!

Pregnancy Hot Flashes

It is believed that only menopausal women have hot flashes. There are some medical conditions, like low blood pressure, low blood sugar and hyperthyroidism, that cause hot flashes. Male hot flashes amongst prostate cancer patients are common. A few pregnant women also suffer from hot flashes.

During pregnancy, estrogen levels tend to fluctuate in some women. Even among menopausal women, where 75% suffer from hot flashes, it is not the level of estrogen or other hormones that cause the problem, but the fluctuating hormone levels. Hot flashes are a hot feeling on the neck and face, making the face red, and may be accompanied by sweating, dizziness, head ache and heart palpitation. They can last from a few seconds up to an hour. One of the prime causes of hot flashes is stress and anxiety. Pregnant women do have a lot of anxiety.

When the hot flashes are mild, simple modifications to behavior patterns help manage the problem. Avoiding spicy food, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, diet pills and hot environments can eliminate or reduce the intensity of hot flashes. Exercise, as advised by a physician, helps a lot. A moderate attack of flashes needs more attention. Besides lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies, acupuncture and mild over-the-counter medication assists in preventing severe hot flashes. Any medication taken by a pregnant woman must be with the approval of the physician.

In a severe case of hot flashes, a pregnant woman has a problem which does not have a clear-cut treatment. A menopausal woman can opt for hormone therapy for severe hot flashes. But a pregnant woman cannot have it, as the estrogen can lead to miscarriage. Some anti-depressant medications like clodinine and methyldopa are also not recommended for pregnant women, as they get into the fetal bloodstream.

So the few pregnant women who have hot flashes have to be very careful with their behavior patterns to stop any trigger that starts the problem. They have to trust more on exercise, relaxation techniques and a calm, peaceful mind.